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Biznes Podróże
Desenvolvedor: 健 侯



Lesson1 How Old Is She?
Lesson2 At the Birthday Party
Lesson3 May I See a Hat,Please?
Lesson4 Whats the Matter with You?
Lesson5 Summer Plans
Lesson6 How to Make Everybody Happy?
Lesson7 After a Heavy Snowstorm
Lesson8 Please Set the Table
Lesson9 Stop Eating Fried Potatoes
Lesson10 A Beautiful Dress
Lesson11 A Visit to Conway Castle
Lesson12 What a Mess!
Lesson13 Give Me a Big Box of Chocolates
Lesson14 They Dont Talk
Lesson15 A Welcome Surprise
Lesson16 The Charcoal Pit
Lesson17 The Country Schoolhouse
Lesson18 Christmas Cards
Lesson19 A Lesson to Learn
Lesson20 Honesty
Lesson21 Bill Is Very Rude
Lesson22 If I Dont Do Anything Else
Lesson23 They Dont Talk
Lesson24 At Christmas Time
Lesson25 A Ten-Dollar Bill
Lesson26 What Are the Times of Meals?
Lesson27 The Shopping List
Lesson28 Where to Find a Listener?
Lesson29 Some Sausage Sandwiches
Lesson30 The Bloody Thumb
Lesson31 A Difficult Customer
Lesson32 A Pocketful of Pigs
Lesson33 We Are Not Deaf!
Lesson34 Stage Fright
Lesson35 A Proud Linguist
Lesson36 Three Wishes
Lesson37 Do You Know Who I Am?
Lesson38 Cant She Type?
Lesson39 My Fathers Son
Lesson40 Learn to Eat Like a Grown-up
Unit 1 介绍 Introduction
Unit 2 问候 Greetings
Unit 3 邀请 Invitation
Unit 4 道别 Saying Goodbye
Unit 5 问路 Asking the Way
Unit 6 谈天气 Talking About the Weather
Unit 7 道谢及回答 Expressing Thanks and Responding
Unit 8 道歉及回答 Making Apologies and Responding
Unit 9 时间和日期 Time and Dates
Unit 10 电话 Making Telephone Calls
Unit 11 建议 Making Suggestions
Unit 12 请求帮助 Asking for help
Unit 13 喜欢和厌恶 Likes and Dislikes
Unit 14 观光 Sightseeing
Unit 15 体育运动 Sports
Unit 16 在百货商店 At the Department Store
Unit 17 在银行 At the Bank
Unit 18 在理发店 At the Barbers Shop
Unit 19 在邮局 At the Post Office
Unit 20 在医院 In the Hospital
Unit 21 在餐厅 In the Restaurant
Unit 22 在旅馆 In the Hotel
Unit 23 在地铁站 At the Subway Station
Unit 24 在机场 At the Airport
Unit 25 在公共汽车上 On a Bus
Unit 26 在出租车上 In a Taxi
Unit 27 在校园 In the Campus
Unit 28 在家里 At Home
学校不教的口语 1
学校不教的口语 2
学校不教的口语 3
学校不教的口语 4